2015 Events



February 18, 2015 With the New Years’ bell, young members of the Vancouver Youth Pianist Club sang with a smile, and sang a cheerful New Year’s blessing song, to all Chinese children at home and abroad during the time of the New Year! Our little pianists gathered together, and wished you all the blessings of the Year of the sheep, joyful and cheerful!




2015年2月8日下午,在这个举国同庆,辞旧迎新的喜庆日子,温哥华青少年钢琴俱乐部的会员们欢聚在York Theater,用最动人的音符表达了心中对新的一年百尺竿头 蒸蒸日上的美好愿望。
On the afternoon of February 8th, 2015, the members of the Vancouver Youth Piano Club gathered in the York Theatre to express our new resolutions for the new year with the most touching pieces we have heard in this beautiful beginning of a new year.


February 14, 2015 at 7 pm, wearing the Chinese characteristics Tangzhuang, members gathered together with songs, applause, laughter; flowers, cakes, chocolate…This one of the most happy and romantic concerts’ for the VYPC members - Valentine's Day. This is also a special day for the pianists. It helped them feel the transmission of love and music better. Because of the piano, because of the music, because of the children, and of the friends from all over the world, we come together to experience this wonderful date on a gorgeous February night.


Enjoying the love of the round moon, tasting the savoury taste of dumplings, and watching VYPC New Year concert video highlights. We send love to our young pianists and wish them to have fun at home and take care of their family. Happy Lantern Festival!


2015年3月14日,三位来自温哥华青少年钢琴家俱乐部的实力派小钢琴家11岁的魏佳、8岁的张睿宏、15岁的常嘉旭,在VSO Pyatt Hall携手将经典曲目与精彩的演奏相融合,为大家呈现一场美轮美奂、激情四溢的音乐饕宴。9位小星星重奏艺术团的小钢琴家们也盛装出席并奏响音乐的篇章!音乐会包括了巴赫、贝多芬、海顿、柴可夫斯基、吉纳斯蒂尔、格拉那多斯、丁善德等中外经典钢琴名曲。(点击查看活动报道、视频、照片)
March 14, 2015, from the Vancouver Youth Pianist Club, three of our best pianists, 11-year-old Christina, 8-year-old Ray Zhang, 15-year-old Maggie Chang played at the VSO Pyatt Hall. Together they stunned the entire audience with their musicality and their passion for the piece. Nine other pianists in VYPC also played in the concert as guests! Their pieces include compositions from Bach, Beethoven, Haydn, Tchaikovsky, Gina Steele, Granados, Ding Shande and other classical Chinese and foreign piano music.


On the evening of April 4, 2015, more than 20 members of the Vancouver Youth Pianist Club came and played in out Mozart concert in an 18th-century palace (the mansion of Mrs.Louisa). Into the gorgeous hall, as if through the Mozart's palace, we watched a documentary about Mozart, and saw the insight of the genius musician and the incidents behind his music. Members have said that in Mozart's activities, he was driven by his determination to practice his instruments, and develop his technical skills. This is why Mozart was such an amazing composer. Pursue you goals, little pianists!

琴棋书画“穿越”活动 原来是这样有趣!

April 19, 2015, VYPC held a very interesting poetry painting and calligraphy. We had professional graduate Dr.Maggie from Shandong Academy of Fine Arts, show us the perfect unison of music and painting together The traditional Chinese ink painting and piano music reveals the harmonious beauty of visual art and auditory art.


2015年5月16日晚上6点, VYPC四小星星汪琳清,周澄杰、陈艺文,张嘉易在VSO Pyatt Hall举办钢琴音乐会,小小年纪绽放璀璨光芒,为美丽夜空又增添了一份绚烂夺目的色彩。5岁的四小星星聪明伶俐、健康活波、自信大方、激情四射,一个个灵动的旋律从他们一双双灵巧的双手中跃然而出,释放出小小内心对生活的热爱,对音乐的专注;传递着朝气蓬勃、积极向上的无穷力量,分享着音乐带给彼此的快乐!(点击查看活动报道、视频、照片)
May 16, 2015 at 6 pm, VYPC had four young rising stars Wang Linqing, Zhou Chengjie, Chen Yiwen, Zhang Jiayi perform at the VSO Pyatt Hall. These 5-year-old rising stars are smart, healthy, confident and generous, and passionate. A gorgeous melody released of these young children’s inner love of life, music and focus. Pass the vibrant, positive and progressive power and share the music with happiness!

VYPC 2015慈善音乐会

每年6月,VYPC都会举办这项传统的大型节目——为BC儿童医院捐款慈善义演,义演所得款项全部捐给儿童医院的音乐治疗项目。幸福的时光总是飞快地在指尖流淌,经过一年的努力,温哥华青少年钢琴家俱乐部的小钢琴家们对音乐与钢琴的理解又更上一层楼。他们充满爱心的善举帮助很多患病儿童减轻病痛。播撒爱的种子,演奏爱的音符! (点击查看活动报道、视频、照片)
"VYPC 2015 Charity Concert" Each year in June, VYPC hosts the traditional charity concerts, where we donate the money to the BC Children's Hospital. All proceeds from the charity is donated to the children's hospital music therapy program. After a year of hard work, the young pianist of the Vancouver Youth Pianist Club took the music and piano to the next level. Their loving kindness helps a lot of sick children to alleviate the pain.


凉风习习,晴空万里 。2015年的加拿大国庆日在晴好的天气里拉开了序幕。就在这举国欢庆的一天,VYPC的小钢琴家们一早就来到风景美丽的北温Lonsdale Quay Market,以精湛的钢琴表演为温哥华第二届街头钢琴节艺术开幕式献上我们的挚诚的礼物。(点击查看活动报道、视频、照片)
On a beautiful day with a gorgeous blue skies. Canada 's National Day celebration concert in 2015 kicked off with fine weather. On this day of celebration, VYPC's young pianists arrived at the beautiful Lonsdale Quay Market in North Vancouver for a superb piano performance for the opening of Vancouver's Second Street Piano Festival. What a gifted group of children!


July 19, 2015, VYPC organized a farm day tour. We were close to nature and we tasted chemical-free farm vegetables. Members have demonstrated to be valiant on the horse, but also feel the interest between the fields. Our young pianists showed us great performances that day!

琴声映中秋 童心唱华夏

月到中秋分外明,秋色明媚月动听。2015年9月26日晚,温哥华青少年钢琴家俱乐部携手温哥华曦目声乐艺术中心,在Norman Rothstein Theatre举办了一场中秋晚会。这场充满童真与亲情的晚会不仅是为了庆祝节日到来的美好,更是为了表达对远在中国的亲人朋友们的浓浓的思念。(点击查看活动报道、视频、照片)
The beautiful autumn moon during Mid-Autumn Festival is exceptionally bright. On the evening of September 26, 2015, the Vancouver Youth Pianist Club held a Moon Festival concert with Vancouver’s Xi Mu Vocal Art Center. This is full of love and affection of the party and not only did we celebrate the arrival of the festival, but we also to expressed our deep thoughts to our loved ones in China.


2015年10月31日,在Crofton Manor举办的万圣节敬老院音乐会好Happy!会员们进敬老院弹钢琴献爱心,请魔术师表演、与老人们同乐,穿万圣节服装,画脸扎气球,领糖果。这是一场搭建爱的桥梁,传递爱的能量的音乐会,像会员们送给老人们的康乃馨一样,温暖常在!(点击查看活动报道、视频、照片)
Group of demon pianists” VYPC did a Halloween Concert at Crofton Manor on October 31, 2015. Members went to the retirement facilities to play piano and we invited magicians to entertain the elderly people, and we wore Halloween costumes, made figure balloons, and gave candy. We also gave the elderly carnations at the end of our concert to show our love.


12月29日晚Tom Lee Music Hall灯火通明,温哥华青少年钢琴家俱乐部的小钢琴家们身着五彩斑斓的节日盛装欢聚一堂,欢度圣诞,共同奏响美好的乐章!祝愿俱乐部在新的一年像这盛开的红彤彤的圣诞花一般,争奇斗艳 繁花似锦!(点击查看活动报道、视频、照片)
"2015 Christmas Concert" On the evening of December 29th Tom Lee Music Hall was brightly lit, and the young pianists of the Vancouver Youth Pianist Club were dressed in colorful festive costumes to celebrate the Christmas season together. Wish the club in a New Year!