2014 Events



2014年1月12日上午10点 ,为了筹备VYPC和Fafan钢琴教室组织的精品音乐会,让刚入门的琴童 们有一次专业演出经验,“感恩,梦想之小星星音乐会”第一次会议在老师家召开。1月19日星星团 组织拍海报照片。2月11日上午10点半,在老师的组织下,小明星Ryan的妈妈Iris与星星团的8位 学生的妈妈一起分享了陪练钢琴的经验和心得。 (点击查看活动报道、视频、照片)

At 12:00 on January 12, 2014, in order to prepare the concert that organized by VYPC and Fafan Piano Classroom, and to enable the young novice pianists to experience a professional performance, we held the Appreciation, the Dream of Small Stars’ Concert meeting at the teacher's home. On January 19, young stars took group photos for the poster. At 10:30 on February 11th, under the teacher's organization, Ryan's mother - Iris and other eight students’ mothers shared their experiences when accompanying their children in practice.



2014年2月22日,温哥华青少年钢琴家俱乐部组织到敬老院慰问表演。 敬老院离温哥华大概 2 个小时车程,在天气不好的情况下所有小钢琴家仍然准时到达。钢琴义演于下午 1 点准时开始。 音乐会结束后, 所有小钢琴家和老人们一起合影留念,结束了这次有意义的演出。最后,俱乐部所有成员随后来到了海尔森温泉, 一起享受温泉的乐趣。 (点击查看活动报道、视频、照片)
February 22, 2014, Vancouver Youth Pianist Club organized an activity at the retirement home to express their condolences to those elderly people. Though it is about two-hours-driving distance from Vancouver, all of young pianists arrived punctually in bad weather. The performance began at 1 pm, those young members and elderly people took a group photo to complete the meaningful activity after the concert. In the end, all members went to enjoy the hot springs in Harrison.


2014年3月23日下午6点,温哥华青少年钢琴家俱乐部在 Unitarian Church 举办了一场“纪念巴赫诞辰329年”的专场音乐会。参加本场音乐会的会员,每人演奏1-2首巴赫作品。这次活动结合公开课和音乐会,给家长和小朋友们带来了一堂融汇专业理论和实际感受的音乐普及课。 (点击查看活动报道、视频、照片)

March 23, 2014, the Vancouver Youth Pianist Club held a special concert to celebrate Bach's 329th Birthday at Unitarian Church. Members who participated the concert played 1 or 2 of Bach’s works. This celebratory event combined public courses and concert, which provided children and their parents a music lesson that involved in both professional theory and practical experience.。


2014年5月24日,在英属哥伦比亚大学的Chan Center,温哥华青少年钢琴家俱乐部的7位小钢琴 家与温哥华著名的西岸交响乐团(WCSO)合作演奏,给本地千名观众带来了一场精彩的音乐盛 宴。这场交响音乐会由温哥华中国文化促进会和Sh wcase琴行主办,是纳入“5月亚洲文化月” 的一个以弘扬高尚艺术,促进文化发展为目的重要活动。 (点击查看活动报道、视频、照片)

On May 24, 2014, seven pianists of the Vancouver Young Pianist Club (VYPC) and West Coast Symphony Orchestra (WCSO) performed corporately at Chan Center of UBC, brought a wonderful music feast to the thousands of local residents. The event was organized by the Vancouver Chinese Culture Association and Showcase Pianos Ltd that aimed at promoting arts and facilitating cultural development. It is an important event for Asian Cultural Month in May.

VYPC 古典音乐时期专题音乐会报道

VYPC 有一群热心的组织者、老师、家长,每逢演出大家各司其职,贡献所长。2014年6月3号,温哥华青少年钢琴家俱乐部在Aberdeen Center的Showcase琴行举行以古典时期音乐为主题的音乐会。十几位大小钢琴家们演绎了古典主义钢琴演奏代表人物:海顿、莫扎特、贝多芬,迪阿贝利,克列门提等大师的作品。增加和激发了观众对古典时期音乐的理解和热爱。(点击查看活动报道、视频、照片)

VYPC is supported by a group of enthusiastic organizers, teachers, and parents. They have been contributing their efforts to every performance. On June 3, 2014, Vancouver Youth Pianist Club held a classical music-themed concert at Showcase instrument store in Aberdeen Center. A dozen pianists presented the classical piano works of masters: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Diabelli, Clementi and others. Increased audience's understanding and stimulated their passion to classical music.

VYPC 庆祝温哥华意大利节演出活动

2014年6月8号,温哥华青少年钢琴家俱乐部应Fazioli钢琴之邀到庆祝温哥华意大利节(Italian Day)活动现场演奏。一年一度的意大利节是城中盛事,整个意大利区充满威尼斯嘉年华式的热 闹,四处展示着意大利的美食, 跑车, 乐器,古董等。俱乐部的几位新会员首次参与并完美地 完成第一次户外演出,相信他们会随着俱乐部一起茁壮成长。 (点击查看活动报道、视频、照片)

On June 8th, 2014, the Vancouver Youth Pianist Club was invited by Fazioli Piano to celebrate the Italian Day in Vancouver. The annual Italian Festival is a significant event in the city. The whole Italian district is full of carnival atmosphere with Italian cuisine, sport cars, musical instruments, antiques and so on. Several new members of the club participated in and perfectly completed their first outdoor performance. We believe that they will grow steadily with the club.

情系敬老院之VYPC 义演活动

2014年6月14日下午2点半,温哥华青少年钢琴家俱乐部的小会员们去St. Vincent’s Langara敬老 院献举行定期举办的爱心义演。 这次活动虽然只有短短一个小时,但孩子们精心准备的节目,让 敬老院的老人们感受到了他们的热情。这些丰富多彩的爱心义演活动离不开孩子们的努力和父母 们的支持鼓励。 (点击查看活动报道、视频、照片)

At 14:30 on June 14, 2014, young members of the Vancouver Youth Pianist Club held a regular benefit performance at St. Vincent's Langara Retirement Home. Although the performance lasted only an hour, but the great programs that presented by the young pianists, that enable elderly people felt their enthusiasm. Without the efforts of our young members and the support of their parents, the charity activities can’t be achieved successfully.


2014年6月27号,第二届vypc慈善钢琴音乐会在温哥华unitarian church 举行。小钢琴家们筹集到的善款全部捐献给bc省儿童医院,这是我们小钢琴家们用实际行动来为帮助那些需要我们帮助的孩子们。每一首钢琴曲让人们感受到美好的同时又深深的被这些孩子们所感动。 (点击查看活动报道、视频、照片)

Jun 27,2014, the second charity piano concert was hold at the unitarian church in Vancouver. These young pianists took all the donations to B.C children hospital. They liked to use their special skill to help impoverished kids. Every one tried their best in this event. Cheers for them!

VYPC 2014 温哥华名车展钢琴演奏会

2014年9月7日(周日),温哥华青少年钢琴家俱乐部的小钢琴家们应Luxury & Supercar Weekend (名车展)和Tom Lee 的邀请在VanDusen植物园内举行钢琴演奏会。伴随着豪车和美 食,俱乐部的小成员们为观众呈现了一场视觉与听觉完美结合的音乐盛宴 (点击查看活动报道、视频、照片)

September 7th, 2014 (Sunday), young pianists from the Vancouver Youth Pianist Club were invited to perform pianos at the VanDusen Botanical Garden by Luxury & Supercar Weekend and Tom Lee. Accompanying with the luxury cars and foods, the young pianists perfectly presented a combination of visual and auditory music feast for the audience.

2014 中、加、美中秋晚会报道纪实

2014 年9 月8 号,温哥华青少年钢琴家俱乐部(VYPC)的会员们、 远道而来的天津华夏少儿艺 术团的小朋友们,以及来自本地曦木声乐的大小歌唱家们联袂上演中秋晚会,给观众带来了一场 视觉与听觉的盛宴。作为这次晚会的主要演出团体,华夏少儿艺术团带来的歌舞曲目让观众重温 中国传统文化的精髓,而来自VYPC 的13 名优秀会员的钢琴节目则将晚会推向高潮。 (点击查看活动报道、视频、照片)

On September 8, 2014, young artists from Vancouver Young Pianist Club (VYPC), Huaxia Future Child Artistic Center, as well as Xi Mu Vocal Academy performed in the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, brought a visual and auditory feast for audience. As one of the leading groups of the party, children from the Huaxia Future Child Artistic Center that presented traditional songs and dances, which reminded people of traditional Chinese culture. Besides, piano programs that performed by 13 outstanding members from the VYPC pushed the celebrating event to climax.

VYPC 近现代时期钢琴音乐会报道

2014年9月20日(周六)晚上七点,温哥华青少年钢琴家俱乐部在Unitarian Church举办了一场近现 代时期钢琴音乐会。小钢琴家们用美妙的钢琴声和悦耳的乐曲互相交流、学习分享,整个会场充 满了快乐的气氛,让人们在感受到音乐的美好的同时又深深的被这些小精灵们的活泼和友爱而感 动。 (点击查看活动报道、视频、照片) On Saturday, September 20, 2014, at 7pm, the Vancouver Youth Pianist Club held a modern and contemporary piano concert at Unitarian Church in Vancouver. By beautiful piano and melodious music, small pianists communicated, learnt and shared with each other. The whole concert was full of active atmosphere. People can feel the wonderful music and been touched by children’s fraternity at the same time.


2014年11月1日VYPC在Deer Lake的Shadbolt Centre举办了俱乐部第二次万圣节活动,小朋友们穿着万圣节的节日服装,打扮成超级英雄,公主,海盗和游戏中的角色,上场进行钢琴表演。俱乐部特地请来了魔术师为大家进行表演,小朋友们也画了脸,拿到了可爱的气球,大家度过了一个愉快的万圣节。

November 1, 2014 VYPC held the club's second Halloween party at the Shadbolt Center in Deer Lake. The youth pianists were dressed as Halloween costumes, like Super Hero, Princess, Pirate and in-game characters. The VYPC specially invited the magician to perform for everyone, the children also drew a facepaint, got the lovely balloon, we spent a happy Halloween party.

2014年 VYPC圣诞音乐会

2014年 12月 13号,温哥华青少年钢琴家俱乐部在 Jewish Community Center的剧场举行了一 年一度的圣诞晚会。随着俱乐部的发展壮大,会员们演出的水准越来越高, 活动规模也越来越 大。此次演出场地设施完善,观众席位充足。舞台中间两个斯坦威钢琴加上装饰的气球和圣诞花 朵,充满节日气氛。 (点击查看活动报道、视频、照片)

December 13, 2014, Vancouver Youth Pianist Club held an annual Christmas party in the theater of Jewish Community Center. As the development of the club, the performance of members become more and more proficient, and the scale of activities is also growing. The theater provided sufficient facilities and seats for both pianists and audiences. There are two Steinway pianos in the middle of the stage that decorated with balloons and flowers, which enhanced the atmosphere of the event.