2013 Events



January 26, 2013, was a special day, a few parents with children that had a love for piano gathered together. Piano performances began, the children sat down and listened quietly, until the end of the show. Everyone's applause was very warm, the children were very enthusiastic and their high performance level touched their parents! At the end of the performance, the children were happy to have fun together because they had a common language, music. The parents on the other hand, sat together and discussed how to improve their child’s performance level.




February 8, 2013, after several meeting of careful discussion about specific operations, Vancouver Youth Pianist Club (VYPC) was officially established! Our young pianists finally have a stage of their own. February 8th in Richmond, Aberdeen, third floor, Showcase Piano’s held the ribbon-cutting ceremony, and the owner of Showcase cut the ribbon.


2013年3月10日,俱乐部为了给孩子们有个更好的锻炼机会,由孩子们自己组建的领导团队成立了,决定由Louis Wei为俱乐部主席,Mimi为俱乐部副主席。Louis代表孩子们发言表态,他们要用自己心爱的钢琴和音乐表演给大家,让古典音乐世世代代传下去!
On March 10, 2013, the club decided to give children a better chance of exercise so we decided have Louis Wei become our club president and Mimi the club’s vice president. Louis on behalf of the children said that they wanted their beloved music to travel to everyone, so that classical music tradition will continue to pass down from generation to generation!

VYPC 为儿童医院捐款义演

为了支持卑诗省儿童医院医院的“爱心大行动2013”,温哥华青少年钢琴家俱乐部于2013年6月 14日举办了首场的慈善演奏会。这次活动為卑诗省儿童医院筹得超过3000元的善款,用以支持该 医院的音乐治疗计划 ( Music Therapy Program) ,希望能以音乐安抚住院儿童的焦虑情绪。 (点击查看活动报道、视频、照片)
In order to support the charitable activity -"Love Action 2013" in Children's Hospital of British Columbia, The Vancouver Youth Pianist Club held its first charity concert on June 14, 2013. The event raised more than $ 3,000 to support the Music Therapy Program of the hospital, which aims to relieve the anxious emotion for hospitalized children

VYPC 第一次农家乐养老院献爱心活动

2013年7月20日,温哥华青少年钢琴家俱乐部举办第一次农家乐养老院献爱心活动,早上10点小钢琴家们先到养老院,为老人家献上自己心爱的钢琴表演,献爱心音乐会活动结束,俱乐部小领导赠送礼物给养老院的护士,感谢她们默默无闻的照顾老人,希望大家都来关爱照顾老人! 音乐会结束我们马上赶到农场,农场主已经为我们准备好农家菜,家长和孩子们感觉都特别开心,吃好饭农场主带我们参观农场,给孩子介绍农作业,这是个特别有意义的活动。
July 20, 2013, Vancouver Youth Pianist Club held the first concert at a nursing home and then going to a farm later on. At ten in the morning, our pianists performed for the elderly’s. We gave a few gifts for the elderly. We did this to help children interact with people more and to learn to take care of the elderly. We hope everyone respect and takes care of the elderly at home! As soon as the concert ended, we immediately went to the farm. The farmer had specially prepared the farmhouse to accommodate us. The parents and the children felt very happy. It was especially meaningful for the farmers to take us through the farm and introduce their work on the farm to the children.


In October 2013, the club organized the first Halloween event for children to create a better performance opportunity. Everyone wore their favourite Halloween costume and the piano concert begins! Out comes a group of demons and ghosts playing gorgeous music. It was a fun wonderful concert!


温哥华青少年钢琴家俱乐部成, 2013年12月6日圣诞慈善音乐会(筹款 $6340),所筹善款全部用来买物资捐献给四川凉山彝族自治州木里藏族自治县民族小学中学。 培养了小钢琴家们对社会的责任心、公德心, 让他们用心和行动来表达对音乐的热爱。(点击查看活动报道、视频、照片)
Since Vancouver Youth Pianist Club was founded, many of the performances included the charity concerts The Christmas Charity Concert ($ 6340) in December 2013 was a charity concert to help the children in the National Primary Schools of Muli Tibetan Autonomous County, Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan. Which cultivated the sense of social responsibility and morality for our young members of the club, and was encouraged to express their love to music by practice.

VYPC 音乐会

2013 年China.